Monthly Archives: April 2018

Good Friday 2018

The Rev. Noah Van Niel

March 30th, 2018

St. John the Evangelist

Good Friday (B)

For whom are you willing to die?Dali_Crucifixion

Apologies if that’s putting too fine a point on things, but this is a day of fine points. A day not for metaphor and allusion but for flesh and blood, skin and bone, nails and wood. It is a day of piercing directness: “For whom are you willing to die?” Continue reading

Palm Sunday 2018

The Rev. Noah Van Niel

St. John the Evangelist

March 25th, 2018

Palm Sunday (B)

Some of the behavior I am least proud of in my life was done as part of a crowd. Heckling the palm-tree-branch-under-snow-fronds-86038115opposing high school basketball team from the stands. Laughing at someone “not as cool” with a group of my friends. I look back at such moments not just with shame, but also with surprise at the person who was doing those things. Where did that cruelty come from? That’s not who I want to be. What was I doing? How could I have done it?

Some the behavior I’m most proud of in my life was done as part of a crowd. Marching for peace alongside mothers who had lost children to gun violence on Mother’s day. Standing with a bunch of strangers packing meals for the hungry. I look back with pride that I decided to participate as one of many who were standing for something I thought was right.

Crowds are funny like that. Continue reading