Category Archives: Teaching

How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place: The Church as Dwelling Place for God

Sunday Morning Adult Formation Lecture and Discussion

January 31st, 2021

This year, in the season after The Epiphany, for our Sunday Morning Adult Formation classes, our parish took up the theme of God’s manifestation, or appearing (epiphania) in our lives. We asked how we might understand different spaces and places as dwelling places for God. In previous weeks we looked at our bodies as dwelling place for God, our homes, and this week, I offer my reflection on how our churches–that is our church buildings–are dwelling places for God. Enjoy!

The Bible–An Introduction

Here are the audio recordings of a few lectures I gave as a part of our Introduction to the Bible series in the fall of 2019

The First has to do with the Old Testament Books of the Law (recording picks up half way through):

This next one has to do with the Old Testament Books of the Writings:

And this last one has to do with the New Testament and the letters of Paul:
